Find answers to common questions below. For more information about our volunteer program, please review our volunteer handbook.
Volunteer Requirements
NGHS welcomes volunteer applicants ages 15 years of age and older.
Yes, NGHS volunteers are required to meet NGHS health requirements, which include IGRA (TB blood test), 2 MMR vaccinations or MMR Titers, and Varicella immunization or immunity.
Volunteers are required to follow masking guidelines as directed by NGHS and the CDC.
The following health requirements are in place to ensure the continued health of all volunteers, patients, and visitors:
- Vaccination requirements include IGRA (TB blood test), MMR vaccinations, and Varicella immunization or immunity.
Check with your primary care provider to know if you have MMR/Varicella labs or vaccines on file and take documentation to your appointment with the NGHS Employee Health Office.
The Application Process
To apply to volunteer at NGHS, adult and college applicants can complete our online application, or contact NGHS Auxiliary at 770-219-1830 to request a volunteer application be mailed. Applications completed on the NGHS website will be automatically submitted to the office of NGHS Auxiliary and Volunteer Services. Paper volunteer applications can be emailed to or mailed to Northeast Georgia Health System Auxiliary, 743 Spring Street, Gainesville, Georgia 30501. (The teen volunteer waitlist form can be found here.)
The volunteer screening/on-boarding process at NGHS can take several weeks. This process is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of patients and family members, as well as the success of the volunteer program. After submitting the application and background check forms, volunteers will be guided through the following steps:
- Complete the volunteer interview. During the volunteer interview, volunteers are given the chance to express their interests and volunteer preferences.
- Establish a Ready Set account and then complete all immunization and health requirements via the Employee Health Office
- Complete the Volunteer Virtual Orientation and one-on-one in-person onboarding with volunteer services staff
- Purchase uniform
- Obtain a volunteer ID badge from the NGMC Gainesville Campus Security Office
- Complete a training schedule with Volunteer Services staff. Volunteers will work one-on-one with volunteer services staff to find the service that best aligns with their strengths and interests and meets a need for the health system. New volunteers may train in several service areas before being scheduled for an on-going assignment.
- Complete hands-on training with an experienced volunteer
Special Situations
NGHS volunteers are encouraged to make at least a 6-month commitment to volunteering either once weekly or once every other week. However, there is individual flexibility with college students and volunteers of all ages who need to be absent or have varied schedules. Volunteers can also assist with special projects, such as Marketplace or Love Light. Experienced designated volunteers may volunteer remotely with Stewardship calls to former long-time dedicated NGHS volunteers or NGHS Foundation donors.
If a volunteer has not served in a year, they will need to contact the NGHS Volunteer Services department to indicate they are interested in returning to volunteer and schedule an appointment with NGHS Employee Health Office to update their health requirements. After being cleared, they are required to complete the NGHS Volunteer Orientation and meet with a Volunteer Services team member to meet additional re-onboarding and service area training requirements. If it has been two years or longer since a volunteer has served, they will need to complete a new volunteer application.
What To Expect
Volunteers are to report for their volunteer duty well-groomed and professionally dressed in their NGHS volunteer uniform and ID badge.
The NGHS volunteer uniform includes:
- Our signature red golf shirts, cardigans, or jackets (these can be purchased in the Volunteer Services office; all uniform expenses are tax-deductible)
- A white or solid neutral shirt underneath the volunteer cardigan or jacket (if not wearing the golf shirt)
- Solid color khaki, white, black, or dark pants or skirts, (shorts may be worn by golf cart shuttle drivers only; leggings are acceptable when worn with a long jacket.
Please avoid the following:
- Jeans
- Excessive jewelry or hair accessories
- Strong perfume or cologne
- Visible body piercings (except for ear piercings)
- Gainesville Campus: North Tower Parking Deck, Level 2 and 3
- Braselton Campus: Lot B (if full, Lot A)
- Barrow & Lumpkin Campuses: Visitor Parking
Northeast Georgia Health System is acutely aware of the valuable contributions volunteers make daily to enhance the quality of healthcare services. To recognize your contributions, we offer the below perks:
- A free lunch or dinner in the hospital cafeteria, The Bright Spot, or Café 1400 each time you volunteer ($10 per meal)
- Merit or double hours applied to evenings (4:30 p.m. and after), weekends, and holidays
- Volunteer appreciation events and service awards
- Discount attraction and movie tickets are available here
- 20% discount on purchases at The Window Shops with volunteer ID
Become an NGHS Volunteer
You can submit our interest form at any time, found here on our main volunteer page.